/BCO-DMO/Biopolymers_for_radionuclides/pcnt_activity ---- Level 0

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#  Percent activity of organic fractions from diatoms that bind with radionuclide
#  PI: Peter H. Santschi
#  Version: 2019-04-11
radionuclide  NAEPS  AEPS   HF_soluble  HF_insoluble  lt_3000_amu  EDTA   SDS    
Th            36.8   10.55  0.43        23.54         1.35         21.78  5.56   
Pa            16.82  9.05   0.67        6.53          19.48        22.3   25.15  
Pb            3.13   18.04  8.69        23.83         13.74        30.04  2.54   
Be            5.98   5.06   0.79        23.9          11.79        37.39  15.09